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Luke 4:31-37 Demonic powers

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

There is a spiritual dominion where spiritual beings live and operate. When God created heaven and earth, he also created the angels. These are special servants of God. They are invisible, we are unable to study them. We know they exist as the Bible tells us in Jude :6 as well as 2 Peter 2:6 and John 8:44. They were all created by God as are all living things. One of these heavenly angels was in a rebellion with God not submissive to God anymore and subsequently thrown out of heaven.

He was allowed to operate on earth but only as far as God will allow him to. Satan cannot operate without the permission of God. He is the tainted, polluted, immoral one. The master of lies injustice and death. Wherever he goes he leaves a trail of chaos and destruction.

During the time of Jesus on earth demon possession exploded. God allowed this to show the world who He is and to demonstrate God's mercy to forgive and change lives. After Jesus died on the cross, demon possession gradually ceased, and you will find only a few such cases in the modern world. Satan is more sophisticated he would rather penetrate the world through the church and disguise himself as a teacher or a minister of religion, see 1 Timothy 3:6.

God uses Satan for various reasons. In passages in Luke God uses a demon to tell the world that Jesus is the son of God. Look at Luke 4:34 and 41, Luke 8:28 as well as 10:17-20. With Paul God used the devil to keep Paul humble and in Job, God used Satan in the life of Job to show his sovereign power over all creation.

When Jesus came to the world, the fight with Satan was highlighted, to show how Jesus defeated the devil. His stronghold on earth has been destroyed and obliterated by Jesus the Lord. He is however not yet thrown in the pool of fire; this will eventually happen at the end of the world. In the meantime, he is subjected to God and is only allowed to act according to the boundaries set for him by God.

Unfortunately, in this spiritual realm there is no room for neutrality. You cannot sit in the middle, you are either for Jesus or against him. If we look at Luke 11:24-26 we see how a man cleaned his life and got rid of all his bad habits but failed to fill his heart with Jesus. The devil will bring seven spirits worst than him to fill the man. If you do not fill your life with faith, and go into the kingdom of heaven, you are still an enemy of Jesus; Luke 10:20. Be happy that you are on the right side, you chose the good side to be in faith to be in the Kingdom of God. There is no middle way.

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