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Luke 3:1-20 God reached out to us in the historical Jesus

Updated: Feb 19, 2021

The historical Jesus is hard to proof. The crucifixion in the time of Caesar Tiberius was such an unimportant event that those in power didn't take much notice of it, hence we have no evidence available for this execution. As Christians we don't need any proof because we believe Jesus lived and died in Judea. For those outside Christianity this could be a problem. Luke anchors the historical Jesus in a masterful way with the work of John the Baptist. He is recognised by the historian Flavius Josephus as a preacher during the time Jesus lived and died on the cross. It is very hard to reject the historical Jesus after studying the life of John the Baptist, as he is constantly talking about the Messiah who is Jesus from Nazareth. Without a historical Jesus, Christianity would've been just a movement without any hope of salvation. Through the writings of Flavius Josephus we encounter a lot of evidence that would make denial of the existence of Jesus hard if not impossible. I am not sure if Luke knew this but he did a very good job to incorporate the work and life of John the Baptist in such a thorough way.

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