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Luke 2:41-52 Jesus the child in the temple.

Updated: Feb 19, 2021

Jesus started to teach in the temple at the age of twelve. He was the son of God, the Messiah. It was His duty to do the work of his Father. In a perfect world everybody would have understood his calling and let him do his work. However nobody recognised Jesus at this stage in his life. In order to fulfil his work He went home to be a real human child in a normal household because he was hundred percent God and hundred percent human. Jesus would encounter numerous occasions in his life where people were unable to recognise Him.

Even today it is hard to recognise Jesus. In the modern world he is sometimes distorted as a motivational speaker who are just there to make us feel better. Jesus the Lord is our saviour bleeding on the cross, but we mostly, are looking for a celebrity miracle maker.

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